K-12 Programs
about k-12 Programs
A K-12 program is essentially a partnership with the Dance Marathon at San Diego State University program to combine efforts to raise funds and awareness for the patients at Rady Children’s Hospital. DM at SDSU has a team of individuals who specialize in helping new programs get started, and our returning programs
branch out in new ways. We are open to any class size, age group, club, or extracurricular program in the K-12 department. It is our goal to help guide and support students who are interested in making a difference in the lives of the patients at Rady Children’s Hospital. No amount of effort goes unrecognized and any contribution is greatly encouraged and appreciated!
why should my school host
Mini dance marathons allow students participating get the chance to develop skills through hands-on experience, gain a unique service learning opportunity and are a fantastic leadership opportunity for students. They offer not only the chance to become involved with a local cause, but also to connect with SDSU and develop relationships with college students as they prepare for their own transition to higher education.
How can my school raise money
for a K-12 PROGRAM?
Fundraising ideas can be generated by the students themselves to best accommodate the unique atmosphere of your school. The DM at SDSU Board will also assist with brainstorming and coordinating different fundraisers. A few ideas that have been successful in the past include Penny Wars, selling carnations or candy grams, Pie Your Teacher, bake sales, pancake breakfasts, restaurant nights, student-vs-teacher tournaments, car washes and color runs.
Some ideas work better for one school over another, and any idea has the potential for success. Fundraising events should be planned all school-year long leading up to the Dance Marathon event itself. If you cannot host a program at your school, any fundraiser benefiting DM at SDSU is greatly appreciated.
get involved
If you are interested in hosting a K-12 Program and/or a fundraising event to benefit Rady Children’s Hospital in collaboration with Dance Marathon at SDSU, please contact our Director of K-12 Programs, Angelyn Solis at k12programs@dmatsdsu.org with the following information:
School Name
School Address
What your school is interested in planning (mini dance marathon or fundraising event)
Any ideas you’d like to implement
Any comments or questions
san diego mini marathons
contact us
Gabrielle Hammond, Director of K - 12 Programs - k12programs@dmatsdsu.org
Darby Bell, Vice President of Internal Affairs - internal@dmatsdsu.org
Kenna Asmussen, Executive Director - executive@dmatsdsu.org