What is miracle week?
Every fall, the Dance Marathon at SDSU community comes together for a week of inspiration, recruitment, education, fundraising and appreciation. During this week, we traditionally recruit over 1,000 new participants to our cause, raise tens of thousands of dollars for local kids and spread our movement to new parts of the SDSU and San Diego communities.
FALL 2023
During last year's Miracle Week we raised $51,367.62 for Rady Children's Hospital! The Dance marathon team got together to celebrate this amazing milestone reached in such a short time.

FALL 2022
During last year's Miracle Week we raised $51,367.62 for Rady Children's Hospital! The Dance marathon team got together to celebrate this amazing milestone reached in such a short time.

FALL 2021
During fall 2021's Miracle Week we raised $77,102.06 for Rady Children's Hospital! We also had our Light of Hope Ceremony where many families attended and kiddos' stories were shared as well as testimonials from dance marathon participants.