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your donation's impact
where does my money go?
Our fundraising efforts benefit the kids and families at Rady Children's Hospital in a variety of different ways, check out this breakdown of how the over $1 million we've raised since 2015 has been used:
Patient Services
Charitable Care
Donations aren't just for research and equipment. Some funds are used to help families with costs incurred to get to crucial doctor appointments and visits that might not otherwise be able to afford it. The funding of child life services and therapy programs can also be supported by donations.
Medical debt can be intimidating, thanks to donations, financial aid can offer tremendous peace of mind to families that can't afford care.
From initiatives that help cancer survivors take on life after the disease, to research that allows patients to get the best treatment and therapy needed, to clinical trials that help patients battle illnesses, donations help fund multiple areas.
Advancement Services
Donations help provide the best care available. A dollar can make a huge difference. It can add up to help purchase transport vehicles used to safely transport pediatric patients in need. Your dollar can give premature babies the ability to receive crucial skin-to-skin contact in a specialty chair. Your dollar might also allow a patient to leave the hospital after 15 months. Your dollar is providing crucial equipment to provide the best care available.
Donations are unrestricted and can be used to fund everything from live-saving equipment to child life services. Sometimes a bravery cape or bead can be just the "medicine" a patient fighting cancer needs. Donations have also been used to help expand, renovate or build new areas of a hospital, helping keep specialists under one roof to provide collaborative and efficient care.
Funds help pediatric patients being treated for every injury and illness imaginable. Donations made to Children's Miracle Network Hospitals are unrestricted and can fund training programs to educate staff, breastfeeding techniques and strategies for premature babies and safety clinics that teach things like car seat safety. Donations also fund resource centers to help patients and families learn about conditions and illnesses and programs that help patients and families deal with diagnoses and other parts of recovery.
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